Thursday, June 13, 2019

Live cyber attacks view in the world map!!!

 There are many types of cyber attack happening in every minute in the world. this attack may be within a country or one country to another country. However, this post will talk about the live cyber attacks view on the world map.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Client side cache memory management using Indexed DB.

 The browser cache memory is for storing the temporary files. It uses to get the files when the user needs. For example, when the user loads the web application the first time. it stores in the local memory. then, the user accesses the same data. they do not need to go and get the data from the server. they can get from local cache memory. As a result, it reduces bandwidth usage and can quickly access the application.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

How to solve the Internal Server Error in wordpress while hosting in godaddy.

Recently I have published a website in, first time when i was publishing  into their server I did not expect any issue. after that I need to modify a lot of changes in website so I have to host it once more.
secondly I republished the website then i had expected this kind of problem.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

First Android Application, Hello World

This is my First android application so i explain shortly and easy to  understand for android learners.We can be very convenient to use ADT to create an Android Helloworld application.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

An Introduction to Android

Android is an open source mobile operating system that combines and builds upon parts of many different open source projects. what does it mean to you as developer? you have access to the source code of the platform that is running on the phone. This can help you better understand how interface controls and the various other pieces work. If you happen to find a bug you can also submit a patch for the issue though this is a more advanced practice.Google has also pulled together a large group of companies(called the open Handset Alliance) that both contribute to and use the Android OS in their hardware devices. This means that there is industry-wide support for Google's OS, promising wide adoption across well-known vendors .

Android has a large community of developers writing application ("apps") that extend the functionality of the devices. developers write primarily in a customized version of java.