Monday, February 13, 2012

Folder Shortcut Virus Remover

Recently i met the problem on Removable disk. The all of the folders were as shortcut icons but couldnot display data inside the folders so i tried to solve the problem following step.

  1. Download the shortcut healer software.(It will be for .bat type file)
  2. Run the healer software
  3. Put your flash drive pat(give the letter path)
  4. Heal job done
Then open your Removable disk.your shortcut virus folders are retrived to the original solve it

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Unix/Linux Commands

Here I like to share with you that I learned few  Unix/Linux commands.

File Commands

1. ls :-Directory listing
2. ls -al :- Formatted listing with hidden files
3. ls -lt :-Sorting the Formatted listing by time modification
4. cd dir :-Change directory to dir
5. cd :-Change to home directory
6. pwd :-Show current working directory
7. mkdir dir :- Creating a directory dir
8. cat >file :-Places the standard input into the file
9. more file :-Output the contents of the file
10. head file:- Output the first 10 lines of the file
11. tail file :-Output the last 10 lines of the file
12. tail -f file:- Output the contents of file as it grows,starting with the last 10 lines
13. touch file :-Create or update file
14. rm file :-Deleting the file
15. rm -r dir :- Deleting the directory