Sunday, February 12, 2012

Unix/Linux Commands

Here I like to share with you that I learned few  Unix/Linux commands.

File Commands

1. ls :-Directory listing
2. ls -al :- Formatted listing with hidden files
3. ls -lt :-Sorting the Formatted listing by time modification
4. cd dir :-Change directory to dir
5. cd :-Change to home directory
6. pwd :-Show current working directory
7. mkdir dir :- Creating a directory dir
8. cat >file :-Places the standard input into the file
9. more file :-Output the contents of the file
10. head file:- Output the first 10 lines of the file
11. tail file :-Output the last 10 lines of the file
12. tail -f file:- Output the contents of file as it grows,starting with the last 10 lines
13. touch file :-Create or update file
14. rm file :-Deleting the file
15. rm -r dir :- Deleting the directory

To shutdown the computer
  1. $sudo poweroff
  2. $sudo halt
  3. $sudo init 0
  4. $sudo shutdown -h now 
To restart the computer
  1. $sudo reboot
  2. $sudo shutdown -r now
 Display the hard disk usage
  1. $df -h

more details from:-

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