Sunday, April 1, 2012

How to Change Default OS in Multi Boot System

Windows and Ubuntu dual-boot systems are set boot Ubuntu first by default, so I decided to change the dual-boot order to default to when I start every time It will be set Ubuntu as Default OS and have to select within 10s Ubuntu or Windows until Enter the Default Selected OS. Most of us use Windows OS.

To make Windows the default operating system in dual boot Ubuntu, follow these steps:
1. Press Alt+Ctrl+T to open the Terminal dialog box.

2. Type in sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg. Type in root password.

3. Edit the line that looks like this:

default 5
Change the number to the equivalent order of Windows in the operating system list in GRUB boot screen. The number 0 means that GRUB will boot the first operating system, and so on. If Windows is in the 6th line, change the number to 5.

4. Save the file and exit.
5. Reboot to check the change.
Windows should boot as default.

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